Strengths Discovery Workshop

9am - 12pm

Sunday 21st July 2024

Skyline Burleigh

Introducing the

Instead of looking at what’s wrong with us, what if we looked at what was right?

Gain clarity on how you naturally think feel and behave.

Understand your strengths and magnify them to enhance your career, life and relationships.

Strengths Discovery Workshop

Imagine if the dialogue in your mind was skewed to see the good, the positive opportunities and the amazing potential in both yourself and others.

You’re invited to the

Strengths Discovery Workshop

9am - 12pm

Sunday 21st July 2024

Join Ash for a beautiful workshop fully focussed on discovering your strengths and setting yourself up for success.

Gaining clarity on how you naturally think, feel and behave. Taking your strengths and magnifying them across your career, life and relationships.

Hosted at the stunning Skyline Burleigh you’re going to come away feeling empowered, aligned and inspired to be your most authentic self.

Backed by over 50 years of research into strengths and positive psychology this framework has been used by over 34 million people around the world.

You’re going to love it.

Are you ready learn your strengths?

Early Bird ticket $267

Full Price ticket $290

Questions you’ll explore…

  • What motivates me?

  • Am I in the right job?

  • Why do I show up the way I do in relationships?

  • What should I be doing more of?

  • What should I do to feel more energised?

  • What should I do less of?

  • What kind of people do I need in my team?

  • What are my strengths?

  • How can I magnify my strengths?

  • What value do I bring to a team?

  • When are my strengths a liability?

  • How can I share my strengths with others?

Who should attend?

This Strengths Discovery Workshop is designed for anyone curious to uncover their unique strengths. Whether you're an individual seeking personal growth, a professional aiming to excel in your career or someone keen to deepen their relationships with others - understanding how to name and claim your strengths will help.

  • Before the in person workshop you will be given access to a 40 minute online assessment to determine your unique strengths.

  • After completing the online assessment you will receive a customised report detailing your strengths. The report will include actionable insights and suggested ways to maximise your top 10 strengths to achieve greater success in their personal and professional life.

    During the in person workshop you will receive a printed copy of your customised strengths report along with activities designed to help you explore them.

  • A half day in person workshop hosted by Ash in the beautiful Skyline Burleigh property.

    An experience designed to help you name and celebrate your strengths while connecting with likeminded women.

    You’ll spend the morning reflecting on how your strengths show up in your life, career and relationships. Then learning how to maximise them and the occasional times when a strength can be a liability.

    During the workshop you will receive a printed copy of your full strengths report including additional worksheets to begin setting goals and making action plans to leverage strengths to achieve them.

  • You will also receive access to an online learning portal packed with additional insights and digital copies of your strengths reports.

    This learning portal is constantly updated with new resources, videos and actionable insights.

What’s included?

Meet Your Host

Ash Cam

Hi, I’m Ash!

Founder of Reset and host of the Strengths Discovery Workshop.

I came across CliftonStrengths in 2022 during a time when I was craving change. I had the energy to move into a new exciting chapter of my life but couldn’t decide which direction would be the most fulfilling.

Discovering my strengths was the missing piece of the puzzle.

Being able to articulate how I naturally think, feel and behave was so empowering.

I loved having clarity on the activities and environments that would boost my energy. As well as the ones I should avoid.

I used the insights to completely pivot my career, improve my relationships and boost my self-confidence.

Fast-forward to today and I am no longer just a CliftonStrengths fan girl - I am also officially certified to guide others to discover their strengths.

It’s a framework I love to use with my 1:1 clients, corporate teams and during workshops just like this one.

Everyone feels great after this workshop and I’m confident you will too.

See you soon!

Ash x

What people are saying

  • "The strengths workshop was my favourite of the entire retreat. Initially I thought the questions were a bit strange and was unsure how the results would measure my strengths– but I actually found them really accurate. It was really cool to learn what my strengths are, how they link to my personality and also the blind spots of my strengths.”

    Anita, Australia

  • “I found the strengths workshop really insightful. I have done DISC profiles before so I had some idea on what to expect however… I found flipping the perspective to focus on what we’re naturally great rather than trying to make up for what we’re lacking was really refreshing. Doing it in a workshop format helped me to see things from other people’s perspectives rather than just my own so I highly recommend. ”

    Jess, Australia

  • “Ash has been part of my personal advisory board and a go-to consultant for years. From my biggest career moves to smaller personal shifts, I trust she’ll challenge me to think about it from every angle and dig deep. Her approach has helped me grow immensely, even when it might feel outside my comfort zone at first. I’m tempted to gate-keep her talents, but that would be doing the world a real disservice. If you want to do the work and see real progress, Ash is the one for you.”

    Ishtar, London

  • “There were a few strengths I actually didn’t expect to see in my top 5. I loved being able to invest the time learning how I can nurture my strengths to further develop them. I also liked that we were able to learn how leaning too far into our strengths can actually be a liability. It was really cool to be able to share these strengths with the group to get ideas and offer my advice. It was an enjoyable and insightful experience.”

    Lily, Sydney

  • "I really enjoyed the strengths workshop that we did with Ash. The pre-workshop assessment highlights the top 5-10 strengths that you have and how they show up at work, in your relationships and in your daily life. It was great to see it on paper and be able to celebrate the fact that the strengths I have may be different to others but that’s ok. They are the qualities that people love about me and what makes me unique. It was also good to learn the different ways I can stretch my comfort zone to further improve in those areas."

    Lana, Brisbane

  • “Ash is the pure source of kindness, support and positivity that mixed so well into a weekend of meeting new faces, building my strengths, reflecting and stepping into a new chapter of positive energy.”

    Grace, Brisbane

  • “The Strengths Assessment delivered by Ash is truly eye opening and something you can continue to use long after the retreat is over. I highly recommend a Reset Retreat with Ash to everyone. She is so warm and genuine. Ash brings groups together as strangers that leave as friends”

    Jess, Northern NSW

  • “I recently went on the Reset Retreat and loved my experience. I left feeling rejuvenated, strong and healthy. I made new friendships and learnt a lot about myself and also gained new habits. Ash is a beautiful host and leader and I’m so grateful that I went on the retreat. I highly recommend to anyone thinking about doing something outside of their comfort zone or just something nice for themselves.”

    Christie, Gold Coast

  • “I feel truly Reset – taking away some amazing habits that I am continuing to work on and leaning back into my strengths. The Reset Retreat was the perfect way to take some time out and do something for myself. So amazing to connect and spend quality time with such an amazing group of women!”

    Gemma, Brisbane

Are you ready learn your strengths?

Early Bird ticket $267

Full Price ticket $290

Who invented the Strengths Assessment?

It started with a simple question…

Six decades ago, Psychologist, Don Clifton, noticed that all of the books published on psychology were focussed on what was wrong with people.

So he started asking “what would happen if we studied what was right with people?”

Fast forward to today and Don’s pioneering research into the world of positive and strengths psychology has been turned into a comprehensive assessment tool called CliftonStrengths.

With the support of trained Strengths Coaches like Ash, this assessment has allowed millions of people to understand their unique talents and transform the way they approach their career, relationships and teams.

If you’re ready to discover your own unique talents and how leverage them to improve your personal and professional life - this workshop is for you.

Are you ready learn your strengths?

Early Bird ticket $267

Full Price ticket $290

What are the 34 Strengths?


Driven individuals with a constant need for achievement, setting and accomplishing goals regularly.


Individuals who bring ideas to life, turning thoughts into actions and inspiring those around them.


People who thrive in the face of change, easily adjusting and remaining calm in dynamic situations.


Logical thinkers who enjoy solving complex problems by dissecting them into manageable parts.


Organizers who excel in orchestrating multiple elements for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.


Individuals guided by a set of core values, seeking purpose and meaning in their actions.


Natural leaders who take charge, providing direction and making decisions with confidence.


Gifted communicators who excel in expressing ideas in a compelling and engaging manner.


Thrive on comparison and competition, striving to be the best and fostering a sense of excellence.


Individuals who see the interconnectivity of all things, seeking meaning in relationships and events.


Individuals who appreciate order and equality, striving for fairness and balance in all situations.


Those who find meaning in the past, using historical perspectives to understand the present.


Thoughtful decision-makers who carefully weigh options and anticipate potential pitfalls.


Individuals who see the potential in others and are dedicated to their growth and improvement.


Thrive on routine and structure, providing stability and order in both personal and professional settings.


Individuals who can understand and share the feelings of others, fostering deep connections.


Those who prioritize and concentrate on tasks, ensuring high-quality results through dedication.


Forward-thinking individuals who envision what could be and strive to turn those possibilities into reality.


Seekers of consensus and peace, adept at finding common ground and resolving conflicts.


Creative thinkers who generate innovative ideas and solutions, constantly exploring possibilities.


Individuals who embrace diversity, ensuring that everyone feels a sense of belonging.


Keen observers who recognize and appreciate the unique qualities of each individual.


Collectors of information and ideas, enjoying the process of acquiring and cataloging knowledge.


Deep thinkers who enjoy introspection and intellectual pursuits, often seeking to understand the "why."


Individuals who have a thirst for knowledge and are constantly seeking opportunities to learn and grow.


Focused on excellence, maximizing strengths and turning good into great.


Upbeat and optimistic individuals who spread positivity and energy to those around them.


Individuals who thrive in deep, meaningful relationships, building connections based on authenticity.


Dependable individuals who take ownership and fulfill their commitments with utmost reliability.


Problem solvers who enjoy tackling challenges and restoring things to their optimal state.


Confident individuals who trust their abilities and decisions, exuding self-assurance.


Individuals driven by the desire to make an impact and be recognized for their contributions.


Forward-thinking planners who excel in anticipating and navigating complex situations.

Woo (Winning Others Over):

Socially adept individuals who enjoy connecting with others and winning them over with charm and persuasion.

Are you ready learn your strengths?

Early Bird ticket $267

Full Price ticket $290